Grace Presbyterian Church

Youth Ministry


Do you have a youth-age child? We have an active and growing youth program where your child will be welcome. What a great age to be challenged in what it looks like to trust a Savior who cares deeply for the heart that struggles to believe. Youth meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30.


Community Groups


God has not called us to live in isolation as believers. He unites us to Christ and places us within a community of faith where we influence one another in profound ways. Your walk with God describes Christian community as intentionally intrusive, Christ-centered, grace-driven, and redemptive.

Tim Lane and Paul David Tripp


Human beings are made for relationships . . . made for a relationship with our Creator, and made to be in relationships with other people. And yet, many of us are busy, disconnected, and alone. Community groups are a vehicle for building and deepening relationships. From September to May, we have groups that meet to care for each other, talk about life, study the Bible, and pray together.  If you’d like more information about any of our groups, please contact us and let us know.

Eastside 1 Group meets on Sundays at 5pm.

Eastside 2 Group meets Thursday at 6pm.

Westside Group meets on Sundays at 5pm.


Men’s Ministry


Believe it or not, men need each other. Rather than live in a culture where men face constant critique, one-upmanship, and competitiveness, we were created for fellowship with one another where honestly, vulnerability, candor, and accountability can flourish. Grace offers opportunity for men to know one another whether it be in individual friendships, fellowship events, or small group Bible studies.


Women’s Ministry


Grace also provides spaces for women to know each other and to grow together. All ages participate in mutual encouragement and growing in grace together through Bible studies, fellowship activities, and conferences.
